
Financial Foundations | Leader Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in leading a Financial Foundations Small Group! During this 6-week class, you will help participants learn biblical principles for managing money God's way. In the class, we cover the following Financial Foundation principles:

  1. God owns it. I manage it.
  2. The budget forms the plan for good money management.
  3. Avoid the use of debt to live within your means.
  4. Prepare for the future through saving, investing, and end-of-life planning.
  5. The tithe belongs to God. I return it.
  6. God is the source. I am His distributor. 

Please note, we ask all Financial Foundations leaders to make the following commitments:
  1. Commitment to care for people - The class is about building relationships as much as it is about helping people become better financial stewards.
  2. Commitment to Milestone Church - We ask all leaders to complete the Growth Track and sign a membership agreement.
  3. Commitment to follow the Financial Foundations principles above - We ask leaders to align with the principles of the class.
  4. Commitment to tithe 10% of all income as the starting place of biblical stewardship - Leaders must lead by example in this critical area.
Please fill out the following form if you are interested in leading in Financial Foundations.